ID’s are Bullshit Let’s face it. In today’s day and age, the concept of an ID card is bullshit. They don’t […]
Who are you or What do you do? Pleased to meet you. So… What do you do? What do you do? Why do we ask this […]
The Hustle Some people in life hustle! You know who I’m talking about, the people who have fingers in every […]
Stuffing Envelopes Stuffing envelopes is an age old scam – a self licking ice cream cone – where someone places […]
Eliminate Distractions for Increased Creativity and Productivity Removing distractions and capitalizing on time spent “in the zone” is key to creativity, especially writing. Whether writing […]
Having a good idea is almost as hard as remembering … Having a good idea is almost as hard as remembering one. So, when you have a flash of […]
Why do you write? Waiting for inspiration to write? Don’t. Just start. Write badly. Write whatever comes to your mind. Just start. […]
People never change People don’t change, but a person can. It is possible for a person to grow and gain wisdom. […]
An Honorable Profession Under the spreading chestnut tree The village smithy stands; The smith, a mighty man is he, With large […]
No one does anything (they think is) wrong No one does anything wrong. Or is it no one does anything they think is wrong? I’m fascinated […]