Doing it one at a time

Today is an Inside Sort of Day! It has been a long time since I posted on my blog, but have I been busy all the same. 

Have you ever felt like life was a juggling act?  You, trying to keep up with everything? 

Doing everything?

That was me about a month ago and I decided to hit the reset button. I decided to focus on one thing at a time. And this blog, unfortunately (but necessarily), was put on the back burner.

Until today!

Multitasking is for girls – or just about anyone more talented than me!

Now hang on! Don’t get me wrong, my intent is not to take a jab at women. My mom could multitask – truly – but I can’t. I know that now. I don’t have what it takes and that’s okay. 

The only people that I have personally witnessed multitasking have been women. Some say that multitasking is actually impossible, either way, these women definitely come closest to pulling it off.

I can’t.

But I can batch, which looks a lot like multitasking if you get far enough away or look at my efforts over a large enough time frame.

Doing it one at a time!

This year I have prioritized doing it!

I watched an interview with Dan Peña – he was on London Real – and one thing he said resonated. 

He said, “Just F*cking Do it!”

It’s the Nike slogan on steroids meant to illicit an aggressive testosterone-filled male response.

It worked.

So, I’ve been F*ng doing it! I’ve been following through on my goals, albeit one goal at a time.

Today is an Inside Sort of Day! 

Why? Because the rest of the days I have been out in my shop (read cold corner of our residential garage) learning how to Blacksmith.

I’m learning the art! Learning how to heat beat and repeat! 

And, it’s fun!

It’s also, physically demanding, cold then hot, humbling, and frustrating. 

It’s rewarding.

It’s scary. 

I’m at the end of a 20-year career in the Army (retirement looms) and I’m still searching.

I’m searching for myself and for my path in the future.

You know, I didn’t actually decide to start blacksmithing, my partner did. One day after returning from a business trip, I opened the garage and a brand new forge was sitting there instead of our car. 

She bought it for me because she knew I wanted to do it. She provided that nudge that loving friends can.

That’s how it all started. Since then I’ve purchased or made the tools and equipment I have today and have never looked back. 

So, am I going to be a blacksmith when I grow up? Probably, but I don’t want to rely on it for an income. 😉 It’s hard work!

That something, my future path, will find its way under my feet. I just need to keep moving. 

Any direction will do. 

So that’s it!

That about sums it up. I had a flash of inspiration and I’m glad I got it down on paper. 

Here’s to writing and posting again soon!

Thanks for reading!
