Optimum Success Starts with Minimal Effort

Man on top of a mountain

“If you see someone on top of a mountain you know they didn’t fall there.”

author unknown

It started with a question: How am I going to improve this week?

It continued with an answer: Well, before I add anything new, I need to meet my minimum requirements first.

It ended with an epiphany. Aha! Minimum Success!

Don’t be a soup sandwich. Don’t get lost in the sauce dreaming about the top of the mountain.

You aren’t even on the trail.


There are many levels of success. They range from minimum to maximum. For the sake of simplicity, let’s say there are only three. 

Minimum, Maximum, and Optimum

Minimum Success is where you start. It represents the minimal tasks you know you need to do to be minimally successful. 

Maximum Success is too much. That is when your eyes are bigger than your belly. When you overdo it. When you burn out.

Optimum Success is where you want to be. But you can’t start there. That’s the top of the mountain. You have to start at the bottom. And, if you are smart, you’ll follow a trail. 

Success in what?

Success in life. 

Being physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially fit. 

Success may differ from one individual to another. But, you know what success means to you. You know which mountain you want (need) to climb.

No one should have to tell you.

What is Minimum Success in your life?

Define it.

Find your level of minimum success in your life. 

The daily tasks that you have decided you must complete.

Once you have identified those tasks, the actions and routines you will do daily, weekly (on a recurring basis to accomplish your goals), don’t add to them. Don’t muddy the waters.

And, don’t lose focus by simply staying busy. 

Focus on your routines that support your concept of minimum success.

Let your goals get in the way

Structure your life with routines that support your concept of Minimum Success.

For example, if you have a goal to write a book, then your routine could be to write every morning from 6 to 7. 

If you have a goal to be physically fit, then your routine could be to eat whole foods, limit sugar and alcohol, and to walk for 10 minutes after every meal. If you want to get stronger, add a weight-training and recovery routine. 

Be relentless in following your routines and your goals will get in the way. 

Your goals will accomplish themselves. 

If success is being on top of the mountain. Routines are what get you there. 

Raise the bar

When you are completing your routines and meeting your goals, raise the bar.

If you are completing your routines, but not meeting your goals, adjust (or change) your routines until you are successful in meeting your goals. Until every week you are living a life of minimum success.

Then, raise the bar, a little bit, not too much.

Remember, the point isn’t to find Maximum Success in life. The point is to find Optimum Success.

Maximum Success is too much – you’ll burn yourself out.

Optimum Success is just right.

Find Optimum Success.