Why do you write?

The nib of a fountain pen

Waiting for inspiration to write? Don’t. Just start. Write badly. Write whatever comes to your mind. Just start. 

Writing in a journal is great because there is no expectation that anyone will read it. Your words are safe and you are free to record your thoughts. If you write in a journal often may be able to start discerning your inner voice. The little you inside trying to be heard.

If you find a way to listen you will gain valuable insights about yourself, about your passions and interests. 

If you have been working on a project or struggling with a problem, your inner voice can help you find the solution. 

Should you write if you don’t have anything to say? Should one force the act day after day? Or should you wait, do other things, and when the time is right, write?

Even when I think I don’t have anything to say and I’m not in the mood, if I just sit down and write without any expectation of sharing I often come across nuggets or wisdom, fantastical stories, and even sometimes interesting projects that I want to do. 

Is writer’s block caused by an emotional state, which in turn is caused by a hormonal state?

Maybe there is something to taking control and just writing anyway. Who is steering the ship, you or your emotions? You or your hormones? You or chemicals?

Why do you write?

Do you write for the praise of others? 

Do you write with a desire to help others? 

Do you write to help yourself?

I don’t like the idea of writing seeking the praise of others. I think it is folly and a weak motivation to do something just to look good in the eyes of people. 

Writing to help is of course noble. Helping without any intent of personal gain is good. This is a fine reason to write. 

Writing to help yourself? Well, this is a consequence whether sought or not. I think this is my primary motive for writing. In fact, this is the reason I do most things like, vlogging, training, and eating well, in an effort to help myself. 

So in my case, I write to help myself. A byproduct or consequence is perhaps I will help someone else. 

I think It has to be this way. I’m a nobody. No one follows my blog. Not really when compared to successful blogs with millions of subscribers. Mathematically I have zero subscribers to their millions.

Secondly, my content is fair to poor. Though I may stumble upon a worthy idea from time to time, my delivery isn’t refined. I’m learning how to write and that’s okay. You have to start somewhere.  

So in my case, I write because I enjoy it. I write because I grow during the process. I write because it trains my mind. I am getting to know myself in ways I didn’t know one could. 

Why do you write?

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash