Be the Author of Your Life

This Too Shall Pass

Everything has its season, even you. Every story has a beginning, a middle, and an end. Some stories you get to write, edit, and rewrite. Some stories are good, some indifferent, and some are bad. It is up to you to write the end of the bad stories in your life.

Be the author of your life. Understand that certain behaviors and actions also have their seasons. Too much of a good thing often becomes a bad thing. It is time you recognize the bad things you do in life.

These behaviors are hurting you. Why do you continue them?

To stop may be as easy as finding an alternate behavior. The better course of action is to find out if there is an underlying reason why you are doing something and then to heal that pain.

What is on the other side?

Habitual behavior can be difficult to stop. You’ve been doing it so long that you have lost perspective. You don’t know how you could stop and are convinced you cannot.

Know that you can. Know that there is another perspective to be gained on the other side of the resistance you feel. 

What is on the other side of the resistance? 

Find out!

You may be surprised when your perspective shifts and your world shifts with it. Life is possible. Choice is possible. Actions are possible.

Be the author of your life.