Happy Birthday! – One year online!

cupcake with one candle

It has been one year since I started this website and set up my YouTube channel. It’s been a year of learning and experimenting and frankly, a lot of fun.

Though sources vary, I’ve read that most bloggers give up within 3 months, and 99% of new bloggers quit before a year is out. I’m happy to say that I’m not part of that statistic, and perhaps the reason I haven’t given up is because of my motivations.

When I started my blog, it wasn’t to make money or to start a business. What drove me (and continues to drive me) was my quest to learn and to grow as a person. I use my blog, my website, and my YouTube channel as a method to learn new things, and to focus on attributes in my life that I would like to further develop.

Perhaps someday I will start a professional blog with the intent to make money, but this isn’t that day, the time isn’t right, and I still have a lot to learn. This is a lifestyle blog. It’s me writing about me, to me, and for me. If anyone enjoys the content along the way, even better.

If you are new to the blog or would like to get to know more about me, check out my first post (YouTube Made Me Do It), or watch the video below, a short introduction. How often do you get to meet the man behind the words, right? 😉

Happy first birthday garonpower.com & Garon Power on YouTube!

Photo by Skyla Design on Unsplash