YouTube Made Me Do It!

YouTube Made Me Do It

I created a website, I’m writing in a blog, soon I will be creating and uploading my own videos, and it’s all YouTube’s fault.

YouTube made me do it!

YouTube has become my de facto muse!

For the last few years I, like many others, have enjoyed the odd funny or viral video on YouTube. Recently I left active service in the Army and with the increased free-time came increased view-time on YouTube.

I am now a huge YouTube fan. I had no idea of the depth of talent and variety of content that exists on YouTube. What specifically appeals to me are the DIY and educational videos. There are several channels that I have binge watched going back four and sometimes five years worth of videos.

I’ve seen how creators grow and learn and hone their craft. Through watching their channels, one is often able to get to know the contributor and to appreciate them as individuals. It’s an intimate and satisfying experience that you certainly don’t get with television.

Some of my favorite channels demonstrate blacksmithing, foundry work (smelting and casting metals), woodworking, and restoration projects.

YouTube has become a permanent part of my life. Along with Google, I feel like I can learn how to do just about anything. What an absolutely wonderful service. So wonderful that I have been inspired to jump in and participate.

After a career in the Army I have the opportunity to pick a new adventure and YouTube is going to help me do it.

So, what are my interests? What am I going to do?

Well, I like writing. I’m not particularly great at it, but I enjoy doing it. So there’s one idea. Two, I like working with my hands. I am looking for a hobby that I can continue to do well into retirement. Writing qualifies in that regard, but I also want a somewhat physical hobby. Enter blacksmithing and woodworking, etc.

There will be no sitting around and thinking about what would be best.  No paralysis by analysis! To choose, I’m going to do them all. For better or worse I’m am going to try everything I’m interested in and let my experiences guide me.

This website,, will be both a creative outlet to increase my writing skills and also an opportunity to not only create a website, but to document the explorations of my other interests.

The key takeaway is that I will use YouTube videos to teach and guide me in all of these endeavors.

I created this website using a YouTube video.

I watched, paused, and re-watched an hour and a half long video on creating a website and blog. The video didn’t answer all of my questions, I got stuck a few times, but between YouTube and Google I got it done.

Now let the adventure begin!

My first project will be to refurbish a 1950’s Craftsman table saw. Not a particularly interesting restoration, but something I can cut my teeth on. And, I’ve got dozens of projects lined up afterward.

Thanks YouTube for making me do it. 😉