Russian Kettlebell Challenge

Russian Kettlebell Challenge

Here is a short Russian Kettlebell Challenge that is sure to get your heart rate up.  It takes about 12 minutes to do all the exercises without stopping or twice that if you are a mere mortal.  The routine will challenge your mobility, strength, balance and cardiovascular fitness.

I dare myself once or twice a year to do this little Russian kettlebell routine I found on YouTube. The video is now over three years old and features an athlete named Jurij Vysjegorodskij.  At the time, I was looking for kettlebell workout inspiration and was particularly interested in learning what others were doing outside of the United States.

Jurij is an accomplished athlete, YouTube contributor, and maintains his own website.  All credit goes to him for creating this video that inspired me to workout harder and more often.

What has become my own Russian Kettlebell Challenge doesn’t seem to be much of a challenge for Jurij, but it kicks my ass every time I do it (or try to do it).  Yes, I’ve thrown in the towel a time or two and even cut the reps in half to get through it. In the end it doesn’t matter because I am always smoked and always feel great.

All of his workout notes are in Russian, but the video makes it plain what you need to do.  Below I’ve written out the workout, which is basically 15 exercises. I keep a printed copy close by during the workout to remind me what to do next.


Kettlebell Routine*

  1. Swing/Rotate around the body (change hands in front and rear)
  2. Single arm front swing (Russian)
  3. Snatches (from swing)
  4. Clean and Jerk (start from floor)
  5. Overhead squat (one hand, start from a swing clean)**
  6. Squat thrusters (2 bells)
  7. Single-leg deadlift
  8. Romanian deadlift with bell behind the neck
  9. “Balanced” Clean and Press
  10. Lateral two-handed swings (American)
  11. Oblique bends with kettlebell overhead
  12. Seated toss
  13. Turkish Get-ups
  14. Infinity loop
  15. Alternating Snatches (two bells)

*All exercises are for 10 repetitions each arm or direction

**Modified – after snatch return kettlebell to rack position at shoulder and squat

Notes:  “Russian” and “American” here refer to swing height. Russian front swing stops at shoulder height while an American swing stops over head. The height is determined by the thrust mechanics of the body and is not controlled or helped by the arms and shoulders.