Sorry Yoda, I’m not a Jedi – I am going to try…

Outstretched hand

To try is an interesting word.

It means to take action with intent. That’s it. The definition does not implicitly imply one must achieve the intent, but that’s what most of us are looking at. What we’re looking for. We want to succeed.

Isn’t that what matters?

If the result is positive or negative, if you succeed or fail – does that in anyway validate how you tried?

By definition, to successfully try, you must simply take action with an intent. 

Take putting for example

Let’s say that you would like to putt a golf ball into the cup. The action is hitting the ball with the putter and the intent is to roll the ball on the line and at the speed you’ve chosen. Sure, you want to make the putt, but if that’s all you care about you’re skipping an important step and understanding.

Whether you make the putt or not is actually not the definition of a good putt. A good putt is one you struck well, as you planned – as you intended. If the ball goes in, so beit. 

There are many factors affecting the ball, factors you can’t possibly know of or control. All you can control, all you can do is try to make a good putt.

Fate willing the ball goes in, but more importantly, you hit the putt like you wanted, as you intended.

That is trying – That is succeeding!

Photo by Thomas Griesbeck on Unsplash