My Top Three Blacksmith Channels on YouTube

blacksmith anvil


YouTube brings us arguably some of the best entertainment and educational video content on the internet. The size and scope of it boggles the mind and hidden within YouTube are amazing videos that you may never see in your feed. So in this post I would like to present three of my favorite YouTube contributors who just happen to be blacksmiths.


So everyone is on the same page before I start, this is an opinion piece. I’m sure there are many artisans out there that I haven’t seen or heard of, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like to. Be sure to comment below and let me know who else is a skilled smith. Semper Gumby!


As I mentioned earlier there is great YouTube content seemingly hidden away. Even with the right search words, you are probably missing something that you would most definitely enjoy. I personally lived in a bubble of ignorance for the last 10 years until last year when I discovered a different style of YouTube video. I have zero excuses. I was a Soldier.  And, I was busy.

Thanks in large part to Forged In Fire I started watching more on YouTube and specifically started exploring blacksmithing channels.  These guys are both entertainers and teachers  and they all put there own mark and style into their videos.

There are many blacksmith channels out there some more popular than others so I divided these channels up into three groups by number of subscribers.  Then, I chose one channel from each group.

  • Group 1:  0 – 100,000 Subscribers
  • Group 2:  100,000 – 500,000 Subscribers
  • Group 3:  500,000+ Subscribers

The number of subscribers a channel has doesn’t mean that they are more or less skilled.   Other factors such as the age of the channel, internet marketing skills, and not to mention videography style all come into play.  So without further ado.

My three blacksmith channels on YouTube.

Group #1:  With 28K Subscribers and growing

Rory May aka DirtySmith®

Rory is the real deal and extremely skilled.  He works along side his father in a family business called Dragon Forge.   For more information check out his YouTube channel which has links to his website and social media platforms.

Group 2:  With almost 250K Subscribers

Torbjörn Åhman

Torbjörn is both a great blacksmith and videographer.  He has a unique style of simplicity and detail which is both both artful and informative.   If hearing the hammer sing instead of listening to a paired music track is your thing, then this is your channel.

Group 3:  1.3M Subscribers

Alec Steele

Alec has the energy of youth, his thumb on the pulse of modern social media, and the skill as a bladesmith to back it up.  With over one million subscribers he definitely entertains and appeals to the masses.  Recently, he has announced that he is moving to Montana which may stall some of his blacksmith videos, but he has definitely published enough videos thus far to keep you entertained until he has established his new shop.

So that is it.  Three great YouTube channels specializing in the art of working hot metal into masterworks.  I hope you enjoyed the short post.  If you have other blacksmiths you think are also worth mentioning, please comment below.

Thanks for reading!