The Secret to Life and Success

Compass in the palm of a hand

Want the journey more than the destination. Enjoy the process and simply do.

Many of us get too focused on the desired outcome, and either don’t understand the steps required to succeed or aren’t willing to do them. 

Why not instead simply do?

We don’t reach our goals because we’re too objective oriented instead of concentrating on what we should be doing each day. Take a guy or gal who wants to transform their body, get healthy, and get six-pack abs. Every year they make a resolution and decide, this time it’s going to happen! And, every year, they fail!

They start strong.

A day goes by, and they workout. Another day and they eat well. After three days, they quit. Something comes up, or they lose motivation. They’re mentally weak and aren’t willing to go on. 

They stop doing!

The goal shouldn’t be to transform your body. No, the goal should be the process! It should be the daily actions required – the steps – that propel you closer to the end state you desire.

The end result is the consequence of consistency!

So choose your regrets wisely! What you decide to do every day will sway the magnetic needle on your life’s compass. Life doesn’t happen in a straight line, and arriving at your destination is a foregone conclusion. 

Of course, the destination is dictated by your course.

Life happens in the blink of an eye

Do you ever stop and think to yourself about how small and insignificant you are compared to all of existence? From the universe’s perspective, our presence amounts to less than a grain of sand. Our time spent alive is short. Our worries, past and present, are meaningless. 

Even global warming means nothing if you’re mother earth. She’ll live on whether we do or not. 

So live. Live every day like it is your last because you are on your way. Some tomorrow, whether soon or far, will be your last. Our time is counting down, and soon our time will be up. The only time we have is now. The past and future do not exist. 

Sight your compass on your important work and do it. Enjoy it if you can. Enjoy and live the process daily. 

Reaching your goals isn’t necessary, only the journey!

That’s the secret to life and success.

Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash